[TF4TF] NorCal/SFBA/East Bay
ISO Co-operative Creative Partner
I’m Muirén, a very active, obsessively curious, Pixel-stained Technopeasant, Iconoclast, Creative Co-Conspirator, Co-operator.

AMAB, African-American Trans Woman who transitioned 2002-2006 socially, legally, medically, post-op. Medically diagnosed Neurodivergent, Passing-Privileged, Gender Non-Conforming, ACE (Lesbian Romantic Demisexual), anti-Racist, Socialist and Transitional Co-operative Capitalist, Spiritual Naturalist.

A self-styled Technomage (Biohacks, BodyMods, Magic and Neuropsychology of Illusion), Musician (Guitar, Keyboard, Synthesizers), Graphic Design (Traditional/Digital), Hacker/Maker (Code, Analog & Digital Electronics, Mechanics).

I like video mostly sci-fi, horror, fantasy, historic fantasy, history documentaries, murder mystery who-done-its, historic films, and a few games (Star Trek Online, Halo, some old school retro stuff) but preferring reading fiction and non-fiction.

A country girl at heart, I love eBiking, Motorcycles, Hiking, Backpacking, Kayaking, Camping wilderness traces and untamed spaces, and practice traditional archery as mind and body meditation.

Current Goal
In search of a Creative Partner who shares common values, interests, life goals. Purchase/Long-Term Lease Mixed Use zoned Residence, MakerSpace, and Performance Studio.

Renewed focus on proof of concept projects, and spending more quality time in wilderness backpacking and camping. More mind-body meditation through archery

What I’m actually looking for
Someone committed to the nurture of an honest and loving partnership.

Interests and social links https://linktr.ee/Muiren