There has been some debate about whether art has a place within the epistemology of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Entire civilizations have pivoted around the science and art of a single color pigment like blue, so the proposition there is some clear line of demarcation between art and science, is born of perception management.

This largely ahistorical rationalization speaks more of a bifurcation and antipathy between emergent cultures of arts and sciences with no widespread historic precedent before laissez-faire capitalism became the economic and psychological norm, further exacerbating class divisions within arts and sciences, force multiplied by Social Darwinist beliefs.

There can be no great art without enabling science, and no great scientific progress, even of the most exacting mathematics, divorced from artistic inspiration. To claim otherwise is an intellectually dishonest denial of historical fact, the lives of talented arts, artisans, scientists and engineers spanning millennia illustrates the intersectionality of study, exploration, experimentation, or disciplined practice of art and science.

Muirén Ní Sídach (she, her)
Berkeley, California